With so many kicks on the market, finding the best of the best calls for a little bit more than just strolling into the shoe store with some spare change. To help you isolate the best of the bunch, our Sneaker of the Week is a chance for us to highlight some shoes that you need to add to your rotation. Thanks to some help from our partner Finish Line, we?re calling out the best sneakers on shelves today.
When it comes to keeping style at the fore, adidas is the go-to sneaker brand. For decades, the Three Stripes are a signifier of athletes and style icons in equal measure, often combining the comfort of sport tech wrapped in something that?s unafraid to flex on anything in the wearer?s zip code. The latest shoe to take up the mantle? The adidas Tubular Invader Strap.
Shoes within the adidas Tubular series have always paid homage to the styles and details found on some of the brand?s most impressive archival models. As the name implies, the sneaker takes cues from the 80?s Invader basketball shoe, but the model?s contemporary redesign has taken it well off-court and onto the street. There may be a basketball-inspired mid-top silhouette, and a lockdown strap over the midfoot laces, but the Tubular Invader uses those sporty touches to its sartorial advantage.
As with anything that?s truly stylish, it all comes down to the details, and this shoe has the credentials to deliver. There?s a variety of adidas branding all across the shoe, with the heel strip boldly proclaiming the adidas Originals trefoil (for when you?re not afraid to show your logos), but the iconic Three Stripes peeking just out from underneath the midfoot strap (just in case you like to keep things low-key). The heel is set off by a contrasting, molded heel counter. Of course, this shoe earns top marks for its nubuck suede upper, which reaches from the ankle collar all the way the perforated toebox and namesake midfoot strap.
For full flexibility when you?re trying to…well, flex, mid-top shoes provide the best of both worlds. A design that hails from the world of sport, without straying too far into the locker room, the adidas Tubular Invader Strap seemingly fuses only the best aspects of its variety of influences. From the Adiprene rubber sole, to the suede-covered strap, there?s more than a few reasons why this sneaker deserves some real estate on your shoe rack.

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