
ke článku: Jaký byl Vegetariánský den 2006
ze dne 26.10.2006, autor článku: administrator

Komentář ze dne: 27.11.2013 08:47:23
Autor: tvjehkloj (faddenrclv@hotmail.com)
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bla ck friday sales LANDOVER, Md. They are never going to be very close, even if their names are glued together by a draft neither Andrew Luck or Robert Griffin III could control. Mostly they exist as football frenemies, cordial around each other but forever wary of what the other representsIt funny the way they dance around each other, knowing they must give the proper impression of a friendship while enduring constant comparisons.The path to terra firma: Since his team last made the playoffs in 1999, Bills owner Ralph Wilson has employed five different head coaches who failed to produce a playoff team. Gailey is entering his third year and was expected to lead the Bills back into the postseason in 2012. What the 94yearold Wilson will decide about Gailey and general manager Buddy Nix in January is a mystery because of his failing health and uncertain direction of the franchise following his death. Reakce na komentář
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