
ke článku: Jaký byl Vegetariánský den 2006
ze dne 26.10.2006, autor článku: administrator

Komentář ze dne: 30.11.2013 04:06:42
Autor: duneulzzc (faddenrclv@hotmail.com)
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michael kors black Friday sale To be perfectly honest, it may not be traditionally sportsmanlike for Payton to do it, but he wanted to make sure his quarterback got the recognition he deserved for his accomplishment instead of doing it in the following week against the Panthers a game that certainly wouldn be nationally broadcast. I don blame Payton for being aggressive and giving Brees a shot to make his mark in the NFL record books and on Monday Night Football nonetheless. Also it not like Brees needed 90 yards and they started the drive at their own 5yard line; they started with the ball on the Falcons 33yard line.While the NFL has sadly been lax on it's identifying and treatment of concussions, the players themselves are worse. The macho culture in the NFL requires players to play through injuries that while at the moment may not be life threatening they can end up being life changing. Ben Rothlisberger is having to play with injurie

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Nesmyslné antikampaně
Veganská strava je zdravá a bezpečná i pro malé děti - zneužití případu úmrtí dětěte ke kritice veganství

I děti mohou být vegany - výhrady k reportáži ČT

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